087 817 9482 or 071 918 2538
Culfadda, Ballymote, Co. Sligo

Michael Joseph Rushe August 30, 2020

The death has occurred of Michael Joseph Rushe Mockmoyne, Boyle, Roscommon (Ex Staff of the Roscommon Herald).

Peacefully, in the loving care of doctors, nurses and staff of The Short Stay Ward at Sligo University Hospital. Michael Joseph will be sadly missed by his sister Annie Mulherin (Ballinafad), his neices Therese, Fidelma and Eithne, grandnieces, grandnephews and a large circle of friends.

Rest In Peace

Due to HSE and Government guidelines Funeral Mass will be private to family and close friends.

Those who wish to express their sympathies can do so in the condolences section.

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