087 817 9482 or 071 918 2538
Culfadda, Ballymote, Co. Sligo

Mollie Brehony (née Looby) September 20, 2020

The death has occurred of Mollie Brehony (née Looby) Daughloonagh, Keash, Sligo

Peacefully at Drumderrig Nursing Home, Boyle in her 102nd year.

Predeceased by her husband Pat, Mollie will be dearly missed by her sons and daughters, Frances, James, Maria, Josephine, John, Pauric, Geraldine and Kevin, sons-in-law and daughters-in-law, 17 grandchildren, 16 great-grandchildren, nephews, nieces, cousins, relatives and friends.

Rest In Peace

Reposing at the residence of her son and daughter-in-law, Pauric and Bernie, Fenaghroe, Keash this evening, Monday from 6pm. Removal on Wednesday morning to the Church of The Holy Rosary, Culfadda for Mass of the Resurrection at 12 o'clock with burial afterwards in Knockbrack Cemetery. House private to family only on Wednesday morning.

Due to Covid19 restrictions Mollie's funeral will be for family and friends. Mollie's family acknowledge that people would like to offer their condolences. Those who wish to do so are invited to use the condolence section.

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